Lehrstuhl Pädagogik bei Verhaltensstörungen und Autismus einschließlich inklusiver Pädagogik

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  1. Markowetz, R., Ahmetovic, M. (in Druck). Schulische Bildung und Autismus. In: Poustka, L., Noterdaeme, M. und Herbrecht, E. (Hrsg.) Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen (ASS), 3. Auflage. Kohlhammer:Stuttgart
  2. Ahmetovic, M., Schubert, L. (in Druck). Autismus. In: Markowetz, R., Hennemann, T., Hövel, D., Casale, G. (Hrsg.). Handbuch Förderschwerpunkt emotionale und soziale Entwicklung. Grundlagen – Spezifika – Handlungswissen – Arbeitsbereiche Lernfelder – Fachdidaktik – Professionalisierung – Forschung. Beltz Verlag, Weinheim
  3. Al Rozzi, E., Ahmetovic, M. (in Druck/2024). Kinder und Familien mit Fluchterfahrungen in Norwegen – Stärkung der Resilienz durch inklusive Bildung. In: Markowetz, R., Hennemann, T., Hövel, D., Casale, G. (Hrsg.). Handbuch Förderschwerpunkt emotionale und soziale Entwicklung. Grundlagen – Spezifika – Handlungswissen – Arbeitsbereiche Lernfelder – Fachdidaktik – Professionalisierung – Forschung. Beltz Verlag, Weinheim
  4. Avdić, B., Ahmetović, M., Bratovčić, V., Kuduzović, E., Mehmedinović, S., Šarić, E. (in Druck/2024). Sensorische Integration und ihre Anwendung in der Pädagogik bei Verhaltensstörungen in Bosnien-Herzegowina. In: Markowetz, R., Hennemann, T., Hövel, D., Casale, G. (Hrsg.). Handbuch Förderschwerpunkt emotionale und soziale Entwicklung. Grundlagen – Spezifika – Handlungswissen – Arbeitsbereiche Lernfelder – Fachdidaktik – Professionalisierung – Forschung. Beltz Verlag, Weinheim
  5. Dizdarevic, A., Ahmetovic, M., Okic, N. (2019). ADHD. Teorija, praksa I istrazivanje. Udzbenik. Grafopapir. Banja Luka
  6. Ahmetovic, M. (2008). Creating Individual Educational Programs for Children with Special Needs in an Inclusive Setting, A Manual for Teachers and Special Needs Educators, BoD, Norderstedt
  7. (One of the co-authors of the book) Prvi model – iskustva iz prakse: Put ka inkluzivnoj školi, urednici Pepeljak, S. Begić, A., Buljubašić, F. (2005). Izdavač JU OŠ ‘Simin Han’ Tuzla, str. 84 – 96; 106 – 119; 140 – 147 (First model – experiences from the school practise: Way towards inclusive school; eds Pepeljak, S. Begić, A., Buljubašić, F. (2005)
  8. Hadžić, Đ., Mešanović, M., Smajić, M. (2006). Educational policies for students at Risk and those with disabilities in South Eastern Europe - National report for Bosnia and Herzegovina, OECD Publishing, Paris
  9. Ibralić, F., Smajić, M. (2007). Samozastupanje osoba s mentalnom retardacijom, Denfas, Tuzla ('Self-advocacy of persons with mental retardation')
  10. Ibralić, F., Smajić, M. (2007). Osobe sa intelektualnim teškoćama – kontekstualni pristup, Denfas, Tuzla ('Persons with intellectual difficulties – contextual approach')


  1. Zaglmair, A., Ahmetovic, M., Ehr, D. Blatz, S. (2023). Den Schuleintritt chancengleich gestalten? Ein Modellprojekt der bayerischen Frühförderstellen zur Übergangsbegleitung vom Kindergarten in die Grundschule in Haider, M. et al. (2023). Nachhaltige Bildung in der Grundschule. Klinkhardt, Julius Verlag
  2. Dizdarevic, A., Ahmetovic, M., Mujezinovic, A. (2022). Guide health, first aid and injury prevention. Encouraging the social inclusion through sports. ISBN: 978-992-8689-1-8
  3. Dizdarevic, A., Ahmetovic, M., Mujezinovic, A. (2022). Young Athlete’s nutrition Guide. Encouraging the social inclusion through sports. ISBN: 978-9926-8689-0-1
  4. Ahmetovic, M. (2021). Is there an Alternative to Challenging Behaviour of Children and Youth on the Autism Spectrum? In ‘’Multidisciplinarny approach in education and rehabilitation’’, Perfecta: Sarajevo/Bosnia-Herzegovina
  5. Witzmann, M., Kunerl, E., Markowetz, R., Lang, A., Ahmetovic, M., Schabert, M. (2020): Befragung von nicht- und wenig-sprechenden Autist*innen im Rahmen des Projekts „Entwicklung einer Autismus-Strategie-Bayern“. Hochschule München. Abrufbar unter: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:m347-dtl-0000001825
  6. Ahmetovic, M., Gomes, A. (2022). International eLearning Approach on Teaching Strategies for Inclusion of Students with Autism. The 13th International Autism-Europe Congress. Poster presentation.
  7. Ahmetovic, M., Breitscheidel, L. (2022). Empirical Analysis of the Overall School Situation of Autistic Children in Bavarian Schools – a Baseline Study. The 13th International Autism-Europe Congress. Poster presentation.
  8. Markowetz, R.; Canal Bedia, R., Ahmetovic, M., Dos Santos Gomes, Luiz A. (Hrsg.) (2022). International eLearning Approach on Teaching Strategies for Inclusion of Students with Autism. München: Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich Germany, University of Salamanca, Spain
  9. Ahmetovic, M., Dizdarevic, A. (2022). Access to Sports for People with Intellectual Disabilities in European Countries (Bosnia; Germany; Greece; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia and Turkey) Research within Erasmus Sport Project (20/23): Encouraging the social inclusion of youth with intellectual disabilities through sports (SOCPORT). Science 4 All Summit – National Special Olympics Games Berlin 2022.
  10. Ahmetovic, M. (2021). Is there an Alternative to Challenging Behaviour of Children and Youth on the Autism Spectrum? International conference ‘’Multidisciplinarny approach in education and rehabilitation’’ Sarajevo/Bosnia-Herzegovina
  11. Dizdarevic, A., Ahmetovic, Z., Malec, D., Mujezinovic, A., Ahmetovic, M., Zilic, F., & Mehmedinovic, S. (2020). Analysis of Factor Validity of the Support Intensity Scale on Bosnian-Herzegovinian Sample. Advances in cognitive psychology, 16(2), 117–130. https://doi.org/10.5709/acp-0290-x
  12. Smajić, M. (2009). Adjusting the Curriculum to Individual Needs - A Single Case Study and Innovation Project, edited in the Antology of articles written in relation to project “Institutional competence building and cooperation between two Bosnian universities and University of Oslo”, Unipub Forlag, Oslo
  13. Ibralić, F., Mladina, N., Smajić, M., Dizdarević, A. (2007). Terminologija mentalne retardacije i prava osoba sa mentalnom retardacijom, Defektologija br 13 str. 12-19 ('Terminology of mental retardation and rights of persons with mental retardation', Defectology, 13, pp.12-19)
  14. Smajić, M., Mladina, N., Ibralić, F., Ramić, A. (2007). Karakteristike prijateljskog ponašanja između osoba sa i bez mentalne retardacije, Defektologija br 13., str 35-44 ('Characteristic of friendly behaviour between perons with and without mental retardation', Defectology, 13, pp.35-44)
  15. Pepeljak, S., Smajić, M. (2007). Prevencija i intervencija u smanjenju nasilja nad djecom i omladinom, Naša škola, Časopis prosvjetno pedagoškog zavoda Tuzla ('Prevention and intervention in decreasing violence among children and youth', 'Our school', Journal of educational institution Tuzla)
  16. Smajić, M., Ibralić, F., Lukavica, H. (2006). Razvojni pristup u tretmanu osobe s mentalnom retardacijom i psihičkim poremećajima, Međunarodna konferencija: «Multidisciplinarni pristupi u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji», Zbornik radova i sažetaka. Beograd: Zavod za psihofiziološke popremećaje i govornu patologiju „Prof. dr Cvetko Brajović“ ('Developmental approach to treatment of persons with mental retardation and psychical disorders', International conference 'Multidisciplinary approaches to special education and rehabilitation', Book of abstracts and articles)
  17. Ibralić, F., Smajić, M., Jaganjac, M. (2006). Individualno i porodično orjentirani indikatori kvalitete života osoba s mentalnom retardacijom, Međunarodna konferencija: «Multidisciplinarni pristupi u specijalnoj edukaciji i rehabilitaciji», Zbornik radova i sažetaka. Beograd: Zavod za psihofiziološke popremećaje i govornu patologiju „Prof. dr Cvetko Brajović“ ('Individually and family oriented indicators of quality of life of persons with mental retardation', International conference 'Multidisciplinary approaches to special education and rehabilitation', Book of abstracts and articles)
  18. Ibralić, F., Smajić, M. (2006). Socio-emocionalni razvoj i podrška u inkluzivnom razredu, Defektologija, br 12. str 19-29 ('Socio-emotional development and support in inclusive classroom', Defectology No 12, pp 19-29)
  19. Smajić, M. (2006). Prilagodjavanje nastavnog plana i programa individualnim potrebama, Defektologija, br 12. str 43-55 ('Adjusting the curriculum to individual needs', Defectology No 12, pp 43-55)
  20. Pepeljak, S., Hasić, O., Buljubašić, F., Smajić, M. (2006). Inkluzivna škola, jedan model savremene organizacije rada u školi, Defektologija, br 12. str 55-65 ('Inclusive school, one model of up to date organisation of the school work', Defectology No 12, pp 55-65)
  21. Imširović, F., Ibralić, F., Smajić, M. (2006). Stanje i perspektive skrbi odraslih osoba s težim intelektualnim teškoćama u Bosni i Hercegovini (‘Status and perspectives of care for persons with severe intellectual difficulties in Bosnia and Herzegovina’), Book of articles and abstracts from International scientific and experts assembly „Rehabilitation – status and perspectives“ – of children with developmental difficulties and persons with invalidity, Ministry of Health and Social Care, Republic of Croatia, Rijeka
  22. Imširović, F., Smajić, M., Halilović, F. (2006). Inkluzija učenika s težim intelektualnim teškoćama u redovitim uvjetima osnovnih i srednjih škola u Gradačcu i Brčko Distriktu u BiH ('Inclusion of pupils with severe intellectual difficulties in regular primary and secondary school in Gradačac and District of Brčko of Bosnia and Herzegovina'), Book of articles and abstracts from International scientific and experts assembly „Rehabilitation – status and perspectives“ – of children with developmental difficulties and persons with invalidity, Ministry of Health and Social Care, Republic of Croatia, Rijeka
  23. Smajić, M., Ibralić, F, Mešković, A. (2005). Programska razmatranja u inkluzivnom razredu, Medjunarodni naučni skup 'Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija – koraci i iskoraci', Beograd, Sava Centar 14. i 15. novembar 2005. ('Curriculum consideration in inclusive classroom', International scientific assembly 'Special education and rehabilitation, Belgrade)
  24. Ibralić, F, Smajić, M., Mešković, A. (2005). Funkcionalna dijagnostika razvoja i socijalno ponašanje djeteta, Medjunarodni naučni skup 'Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija – koraci i iskoraci', Beograd, Sava Centar 14. i 15. novembar 2005. (Functional diagnostics of development and social behaviour of child, International scientific assembly 'Special education and rehabilitation, Belgrade)
  25. Mešković, A. Ibralić, F, Smajić, M., (2005). Uloga rehabilitacije putem pokreta u smanjenju nepoželjnih oblika ponašanja, Medjunarodni naučni skup 'Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija – koraci i iskoraci', Beograd, Sava Centar 14. i 15. novembar 2005. ('Role of rehabilitation through the movements in decreasing behavioural difficulties', International scientific assembly 'Special education and rehabilitation, Belgrade).
  26. Smajić, M., Ibralić, F, Mešković, A. (2005). Barijere u učenju djece u nižim razredima osnovne škole, Medjunarodni naučni skup 'Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija – koraci i iskoraci', Beograd, Sava Centar 14. i 15. novembar 2005. ('Barriers to learning of children in lower primary school', International scientific assembly 'Special education and rehabilitation, Belgrade)
  27. Ibralić, F., Smajić, M., Vantić, M. (2004). Tendencije razvoja odgojno obrazovnog sistema u Bosni i Hercegovini u pravcu inkluzivne škole, str 257-267 Zbornik radova 2. naučnog skupa s medjunarodnim učešćem 24. i 25. februar 2003. god. Defektološki fakultet Univerziteta u Tuzli ('Tendencies of development of educational system in Bosnia and Herzegovina towards inclusive school', Book of articles from 2. scientific assembly with international participation, pp 257-267)
  28. Smajić, M., Ibralić, F. (2004). Edukacijska procjena i intervencija u inkluzivnoj sredini, Defektologija br 11. str 105-115. ('Educational assessment and intervention in inclusive setting', Defectology No 11, pp 105-115)
  29. Ibralić F., Smajić, M. (2003). Program samozastupanja i razvoj svijesti o vlastitoj vrijednosti osoba sa mentalnom retardacijom, Defektologija VIII, 43 - 53. ('Program of self-advocacy and development of self-esteem of persons with mental retardation', Defectology, No 8, pp 43-53)
  30. Ibralić, F., Smajić, M. (2002). Utjecaj integracije djece s teškoćama u razvoju u redovne vrtiće na mijenjanje stavova roditelja, Defektologija br. 7, 165-171. ('Influence of integration of children with developmental difficulties in regular kindergartens to changing parental attitudes’, Defectology, No 7, pp 165-171)


  1. Co-author of educative materials for primary school teachers and trainers for inclusion:
    Smajić, M., Pepeljak, S., Buljubašić, F, Hasić, O. (2006). „U pravcu inkluzije“ Plan i program stručnog usavršavanja u školama, Medjunarodno udruženje „Interaktivne
    otvorene škole“Tuzla („Towards inclusion“ – Plan and program of professional upgrading in the schools, International association 'Interactive, open schools')
  2. Smajić, M., Pepeljak, S., Buljubašić, F, Hasić, O. (2006). Inkluzija – teoretska i praktična ispitivanja inkluzije, Edukativni materijal za učitelje, Medjunarodno udruženje „Interaktivne otvorene škole“Tuzla („Inclusion – theoretical and practical consideration of inclusion', International association 'Interactive, open schools')
  3. Smajić, M., Pepeljak, S., Buljubašić, F, Hasić, O. (2006). Sva su djeca posebna, Edukativni materijal za učitelje, Medjunarodno udruženje „Interaktivne otvorene škole“Tuzla („All children are special', International association 'Interactive, open schools')
